Run it one to have the connection set up. Now that you are running the bash script on the Mac, it’s ready to be connected to.Īdd a Windows Batch file on your desktop there with the following. so many sure it’s run when you want to connect to Android from the Windows VM This should will run in the background always. Now we can run it by double clicking the adb file. Open Terminal and use the following command and path (yours will be a bit different than mine) We now need to tell OSX that the file is an executable. In Te圎dit save the file to your desktop but without the. In TextEdit go to the Format menu and choose Make Plain Text Open TextEdit and add this as a text file: That will show you that you have completed the first step. You should see a nice list of the emulators running. Sudo chown YOURACCOUNTNAME ~/.bash_profile If you get a permission error on the bash_profile, run this: Open a Terminal on your Mac and enter this to add the Android platform tools into the path:Įcho ‘export PATH=$PATH:~/ Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools /’ > ~/.bash_profile Once you have installed Visual Studio for Mac, open it and run the emulator for Android. You can’t run Android in a VM so if you are running Windows on a Mac using VMWare Fusion, you’ll need to connect to the Android running on the Mac.